Source code for sphinx_nested_apidoc.core

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import logging
import sys
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
from os import path
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable, Iterator

from sphinx.ext import apidoc

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _safe_makedirs(name: Path, mode: int = 0o755) -> bool:
    The same ``Path.mkdir``, except that it caches its arguments and returns
    boolean instead of raising an exception.

        name: The name of the directory to create.
        mode: The creation mode.

        ``True`` if directory is created, ``False`` otherwise.
        name.mkdir(mode, True, False)
    except FileExistsError:
        return False

    logger.debug("Create directory %s", name)
    return True

def _add_flag_if_not_present(
    arg: list[str],
    cond: bool,
    short_flag: str | None,
    flag: str,
) -> None:
    if cond and (flag not in arg or short_flag not in arg):

[docs] def sanitize_path(path_: Path) -> Path: """ Eliminates double slashes and relative path nastiness from the given path by treating them as relative to root path. Args: path_: A string representing the path to be sanitized. Returns: Sanitized path as string. Note: On Windows, if the path contains a different drive letter, it will return an empty string. """ try: sanitized = (path.sep / path_).relative_to("/") except ValueError: # Windows issue: given path is a different drive. Since it is invalid # anyway, we return empty string. return Path() return Path() if sanitized == "." else sanitized
[docs] def feed_sphinx_apidoc( output_dir: str, module_path: str, *sphinx_arguments: str, implicit_namespaces: bool = False, force: bool = False, suffix: str = "rst", ) -> bool: """Pass commands and flags to ``sphinx-apidoc``. Arguments: output_dir: Directory where ``sphinx-apidoc`` should store its generated files. module_path: The path to the package that is being documented. Note that it is more appropriate to call it ``package_path`` but we are following ``sphinx-apidoc``'s conventions here. sphinx_arguments: The flags and command to pass to ``sphinx-apidoc``. Keyword arguments: implicit_namespaces: Interpret module paths according to PEP-0420 implicit namespaces specification. force: Replace existing files. suffix: File suffix of the generated files. Returns: True if help flag is passed, otherwise False. Caution: ``sphinx-apidoc`` cannot handle situations where the supposed file in the ``output_dir`` is actually a directory. """ # `--separate` puts documentation for each module on its own page. arguments = [ "--output-dir", output_dir, module_path, "--separate", "--suffix", suffix, *sphinx_arguments, ] # show help info if user passes help flag. # NOTE: sphinx-apidoc's cmdline parser allows long options to be # abbreviated to a prefix. We can prevent it by using itertools.accumulate, # but choose to trust the user. help_flags = ("-h", "--help") if any(flag in sphinx_arguments for flag in help_flags): stdout = sys.stdout is_help = True else: is_help = False stdout = None _add_flag_if_not_present( arguments, implicit_namespaces, None, "--implicit-namespaces", ) _add_flag_if_not_present(arguments, force, "-f", "--force") # if sphinx-apidoc is dry running, we cannot locate the generated # files. if "-n" in arguments: arguments.remove("-n") if "--dry-run" in arguments: arguments.remove("--dry-run") logger.debug("arguments: %s", arguments) logger.debug("stdout: %s", stdout) with redirect_stdout(stdout): apidoc.main(arguments) return is_help
[docs] def yield_source_files( source_dir: Path, extension: str = "rst", ) -> Iterator[Path]: """Yields files from source directory that end with the given extension. Args: source_dir: The directory where the files are located. extension: The extension of the file, without the "." prefix. Yields: Path to file that end with ``extension``. Raises: ValueError: If extension starts with a ".". """ if extension.startswith("."): msg = "extension must not start with '.'" raise ValueError(msg) yield from filter( Path.is_file, source_dir.glob(f"*{path.extsep}{extension}") )
[docs] def get_nested_dir_filename(sphinx_source_file: Path) -> Path: """ Convert a ``sphinx-apidoc`` based source file name into a nested directory based path. Args: sphinx_source_file: A ``sphinx-apidoc`` generated file. Returns: A string representing the path of the file. Note: It does not handle the case where the source file is actually an index for a module, i.e. It does not rename "a.b.module.rst" to "some/path/a/b/module/index.rst". Use :py:func:`get_destination_filename` for that. """ return Path( sphinx_source_file.stem.replace(".", path.sep) + sphinx_source_file.suffix )
[docs] @functools.lru_cache def is_packagedir(directory: Path) -> bool: """Checks if given directory is a package. This function caches its input to improve performance. """ return any(directory.glob("__init__*"))
[docs] def get_destination_filename( sphinx_source_file: Path, package_dir: Path, extension: str = "rst", implicit_namespaces: bool = False, package_name: Path | None = None, ) -> Path: """ Convert a ``sphinx-apidoc`` generated source file name into a nested directory based path, and rename to "index" files where necessary. Args: sphinx_source_file: Path to the ``sphinx-apidoc`` generated file. package_dir: The directory to compare ``sphinx-apidoc`` generated file against. extension: The extension of the ``sphinx-apidoc`` generated file. implicit_namespaces: Whether to treat ``package_dir`` as a package. If ``False``, any directory that does not contain ``__init__`` file will be ignored. package_name: Name of the directory to put all the package documentation in. This resides in the documentation directory. For example, it renames ``docs/myproj/a/b/c.rst`` to ``docs/newname/a/b/c.rst``, where ``newname`` is the new name of the directory. If ``None``, the name is derived from ``package_dir`` and sphinx source file. Returns: A string representing the path of the file. """ if is_packagedir(package_dir) or implicit_namespaces: # /some/path/src => /some/path source_dir_component = package_dir.parent else: # /some/path/src/package remains same source_dir_component = package_dir # package.a.b.rst => package/a/b.rst dest_name = get_nested_dir_filename(sphinx_source_file) # package/a/b.rst => package/a/b package_dir_path = dest_name.with_suffix("") # does /some/path/src/package/a/b exist? if (source_dir_component / package_dir_path).exists(): # package/a/b => package/a/b/index.rst dest_name = package_dir_path / f"index{path.extsep}{extension}" # package/a/b.rst => newname/a/b.rst if package_name is not None: dest_name = package_name / str(dest_name).split(path.sep, 1)[-1] return dest_name
[docs] def rename_files( sphinx_source_dir: Path, package_dir: Path, package_name: Path | None = None, extension: str = "rst", implicit_namespaces: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False, force: bool = False, excluded_files: Iterable[str] = ("index", "modules"), ) -> None: """ Renames the ``sphinx-apidoc`` generated files located in the source directory. Args: sphinx_source_dir: Path where the ``sphinx-apidoc`` generated files are located. package_dir: The directory to compare ``sphinx-apidoc`` generated file against. package_name: Name of the directory to put all the package documentation in. This resides in the documentation directory. For example, it renames ``docs/myproj/a/b/c.rst`` to ``docs/newname/a/b/c.rst``, where ``newname`` is the new name of the directory. If ``None``, the name is derived from ``package_dir`` and sphinx source file. extension: The extension of the ``sphinx-apidoc`` generated file. implicit_namespaces: Whether to treat ``package_dir`` as a package. If ``False``, any directory that does not contain ``__init__`` file will be ignored. dry_run: Runs but does not actually rename the files. force: Whether to replace files if they already exist. excluded_files: Name of files (**without extension**) that should not be renamed/modified. By default, it excludes ``index`` and ``modules``. """ for source_file in yield_source_files(sphinx_source_dir, extension): # ignore `index` and `modules` files by default. `modules` is generated # when `sphinx-apidoc --full` is not used. # file_name: /a/b/c/docs/index.ext => index file_name = source_file.stem if file_name in excluded_files: logger.debug("Skipping excluded file: %s", source_file) continue nested_dir_path = get_destination_filename( source_file, package_dir, extension, implicit_namespaces, package_name, ) dest_path = sphinx_source_dir / nested_dir_path dest_dir = dest_path.parent if dry_run:"%s would be changed to %s", source_file, dest_path) continue # create the directories. # NOTE: We can create the directories beforehand by filtering out the # dirs from the destination filename. if not _safe_makedirs(dest_dir, mode=0o755): logger.debug("makedirs: %s already exists", dest_dir) if dest_path.exists() and not force: source_file.unlink() # remove leftover source files. logger.warning("%s already exists. Skipping.", dest_path) continue source_file.rename(dest_path)"%s -> %s", source_file, dest_path)